Thursday, November 30, 2006

Away from home for quite awhile. Work haven't been really quite good due to politics and socialism . Was utterly disappointed as it wasn't what as I expected to be. My first time working in a office.

Looking at those people dressing up formaly with classy attitude but without knowing that it's just the way they must behave but not exactly they are. Take it as, I haven't seen much enough of the world.

Bascially I m new in dealing such situations in a right way whereby violence was the only solution to me in the past.

So I tried dealing it in a better way by keeping quiet or beahving really nice and funny to get along with those people. To learn more about new such behaviours. How they do it, How they deal with it and How they prevent it.

Eventually, somehow or rather, I was being pushed over just because I tried to conceal my anger with a oh-I-m-not-angry-ha-ha countanence despite I m prone to anger whenever such feelings occured on me but well, I learnt quite alot and definately contented because mI learnt to control my emotionals despite how fucked-up these people are at times BUT... when comes to work, THEY ARE REALLY very nice. They are really very serious and definately very very helpful.

I did told myself that, not everyone is perfect. Everyone have flaws, it's just the matter of how you deal with it. They can be really very very nice but you just got to accept their everything. I've learnt how to accept it with just a smile thou it's just a smile but I'm really glad that I did it. I felt disappointed because, there wasn't anyone which you could actually share the truth of your life with. There isn't at all.

Despite those bad scarring they gave me, it made me strong in dealing with such people in future social life. How I can avoid it yet deal with it.

Left the company, was utterly sad, not because of the politics but it was because the people i missed despite whatever I seen them doing, it was those laughter they left inside me.

Those none stop of laughters during the hard time that we were trying to get through. Laughter was the cure to everything and this is the only thing which they have been giving me.

sigh. Currently wont be home for a period of time due to family problems. Need a long break from it. Can't afford to stress it because I m only left with one month to freedom . Once school start on Jan 8, I will be so busy that I don't think I can have much fun.

I can't afford to fail any subjects. Almost pefection is all I wanted to have for my grades. Art is my only talent. The only thing which I have confidence in getting it into almost perfection.

Blah. eversince I left home, I have none of THOSE friends which I mention earlier actually care nor bother to call (execption for derek and James). This is what I see despite how much I did for them. I felt stupid, sad, anger , numb.

I seen through those selfish people whom I cared so much for... I finally know what are they.
Well it's ok... I learnt about it and definately, they are out of my life. Their existant no longer matters to me.

Anyway, I have hundreds of photos to be uploaded. =D

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