Thursday, August 02, 2007

peeps, currently selling TONS of clothes. I have more than 2 luggage of clothes up for selling. Price negotiable.

Currently my camera is spoilt and I don't really have the time to to post up so many clothes so peeps who are interested, you can pop by my house to view the clothes. ^^ Or probably anything on mind, let me know, i could dig out my closet. LOL. PLEASE, don't di siao... Really tired of that. Appreciated. =)
This week is the week of pain!..

Monday and Tuesday, Approximately spent $105 for full body check up.

Yesterday, $530 for Laser .

Tomorrow gonna be $630 excluding GST for Gadarsil Vaccine.

The laser was fun, I thought that the doctor puts me to sleep for 1 hour for my low tolerance sake but instead, he had only 30 Min's which I've no idea but realized that if that so, I'll experience vomiting. But the part where he insert the needle to my vein and let the drug flow in slowly, I could feel it coming from my left hand then up to my shoulder and head in a fast rate, first 2 seconds experience the shiokness,3rd second, POOF, gone.

then i woke up crying in pain, thought i couldn't really remember why i cried but I remember the pain was like doing outline of a tattoo. The best part was, I don't know how I regain my conscious, all i now was, I was crying. LOL. Properly because that I just broke up with my bf before i went into the surgery room, I THINK. LOL


I can feel the nurse holding me tight until the doctor complete. After they bandage, I sit up, feeling high... Then I couldn't really stand straight, but i could walk, because i was so sleepy and enjoying the highness, I decided to fully lean against the nurse to the room then sleep. LOL

i remembered i called yannie, i was #$@%#$^36456 to her. LOL That time when i called her was when i just lied on the bed feeling extremely shiok. I can't remember what i said to her. Derek and ivan then came down. YAY... and I could remember Ivan was laughing , ass.

Now there's blister growing on my back and it hurts like shit. 2 more months going for another laser treatment, This time Im gonna request for an hour. WEEE.......

For the Vaccine, It's a must that you girls have one. to prevent HPV that causes Cervical cancer. Should go DSC for pap smear which only cause $10. It's really advisable that you girls get yourself vaccinated. it may be expensive but worth a life there.

630 for 3 dosage. Take in the 1st month, 2ND month and lastly the 6Th month.

BTW, HPV is not curable, some people doesn't even have symptoms at all.